Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Old .

I hope I never grow old .

I hope I never have to stare blankly at floor thinking of my better, younger, healthier years.
I hope I will never have to depend on children who will be scornful of my worries, who will even deny my existence at times.
I hope I dont have survive on an endless supply of medicines and worry about my expenses.
I hope I never have to suffer aches and pains in the most embarrassing places and then have to tell the world about it.
I hope I dont turn blind and deaf as the days crawl by and I hope I dont have to confine myself to a single room because i cant move about otherwise.
I hope I will never ask people to hold my hand when I walk because if I dont, I'd fall and I hope I dont have to sit in a corner n cry silent tears because that's all I can do now.
I hope I will never have to sit by and wait for death to come and get me.
I hope I dont have to live alone, thinking of all those places I have been to and then look around and realize, that the four walls of this room, is my world now.
I hope I die when I can still walk about on my own. I hope I die when I can still see, hear and think sanely.

I hope I never grow old.

1 comment:

  1. Everything ages. Yet, it's a scary thought, just like you pointed out. Reading it also made me feel a bit guilty...


    BTW, here's inviting you to join my orkut community for bloggers. Its called BLOGGERATTI. It completed 3 years recently, and has more than 500 members. It used to be active some time back, but is now a lil dormant (i'd blame FB for killing orkut, and with it my community :P). I'm trying to revive it now.

    Do take a look at the threads on the forum to see how organised it is. Also, it is spam free and each member is invited after a bkground check (blog check).

    Here's the link. Hope to see you join. Would be glad if you could recommend the same to your blogger frnds too :)

    The community also exists on FB, and goes by the same name.

    Cheers, and thanks,



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