Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"And in short.."

Should I stand in a corner
Fold my hands and wait
Should I plunge into this life
Whatever this life maybe
This life that made me walk
on maddened, nomadic roads
Roads that lead from one city,
a City of Joy to another, a city
That looks like a dark green bowl
where all, in sixes and sevens
just pour in, hoping
to embrace one another.
These nomadic roads
They lead somewhere - of course they do
but I do not want to know where they end.

Who is to say what
I am
I am not lost
I am not found.

I once saw a sunrise
and a sunset, standing
On the terrace of the
Nandan Cinema Hall.
The night came, and
with it brought something
else. Truth is, I never found out
What it was. I once saw
A sunrise and a sunset, only
This time it was from a
French window in a
posh restaurant in Connought Place.

Do sunrises and sunsets change ?
Do skies change ? Did the air
I breathe change ? Yes, they did.
They all changed.
The scenes, the sights,
The roads, the smiles,
The tears, the villages,
Their sounds, he dreams
The vows. They all, all

"Change is the only constant"
Some madman had once said
I dont think he knew
He was speaking the Eternal Truth.

If you are confused, then so am I
Come, let us hold hands and
Walk these nomadic roads
I do not want to know
Where they lead, or end-
I like their mystery.

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