Wednesday, November 28, 2018


People i run into everyday,
Women, and mostly men,
who have been friends and lovers
for moments on sultry dawns,
tell me they cannot recognize me,
as they run into me on streets and corners, 
tell me, i have become very fat. 
baths, mirrors, and clothes and sweat in crevices
and other secret folds of the neck, armpits and belly
remind me that I've become fat. 
Today i have spent the entire day
hearing from every second person,
how i have become fat.
being fat is a strange thing.
for me, it begins with itching
that large piece of skin, that
does not get any air, because
your belly is hanging,
till where it should not.
usually, that part of my body
itches at night.
when the chores are done
the lights put out,
and i'm thinking of all
the things i've done in
the day, that i shouldn't
it begins to itch.
itch, like the things i did
that i ought not have done.
the sweat, the rawness of
skin, the fat and that
it is almost as if i am
paying for my sins.

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